
Interested students of Biology or similar faculties can apply to work with the herbarium material in ZA or ZAHO collections in order to complete their Course of laboratory practice or finish their Bachelor or Graduation thesis. In either case, working in the herbarium collection implies dealing with plant material, along with the computer work. It generally includes the restoration of plant material already stored in the collection, georeferencing of localities in the Flora Croatica Database and digitization (scanning) of such prepared herbarium sheets. Through this practice, students are enabled to learn about the pressing techniques, importance of preserving herbarium collections, restoring old herbarium sheets, georeferencing of localities (through working in two databases), producing distributional maps, scanning and processing high resolution images.

Additional information or application is available through the contact form, e-mail address or personal visit to: Marulićev trg 20, 2nd floor (Zagreb). In the case of personal visit, it is advisable to arrange the meeting over e-mail.

From 2015 to 2020, altogether 39 students finished their Course of laboratory practice in our herbarium collections.

Students working on the material in the ZA collection.

Former graduation theses from students graduating on the material from ZA and ZAHO:


Grudiček, Dominik (2021) Vrbe (Salix spp.) u zbirkama Herbarium Croaticum i Herbarij Ive i Marije Horvat [Willows (Salix spp.) in the Herbarium Croaticum and Herbarium of Ivo and Marija Horvat collections]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Pušić, Anja (2021) Rod Quercus L. (Fagaceae) u zbirkama Herbarium Croaticum i Herbarij Ive i Marije Horvat [Genus Quercus L. (Fagaceae) in the Herbarium Croaticum and Herbarium of Ivo and Marija Horvat collections]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Mabić, Josip (2021) Taksonomska i horološka analiza porodice Polygonaceae u zbirci Herbarium Croaticum [Taxonomical and chorological analysis of the family Polygonaceae in the Herbarium Croaticum collection]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Rajić, Helena (2021) Morfološke značajke plodova i sjemenki roda Aurinia Desv. (Brassicaceae) [Morphological characteristics of fruits and seeds of the genus Aurinia Desv. (Brassicaceae)]. Supervised by Ivana Rešetnik.


Zeko, Antonija (2019) Vodeno bilje u zbirci Herbarium Croaticum (ZA) [Aquatic plants in the Herbarium Croaticum collection (ZA)]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


God, Ivana (2019) Taksonomska analiza karpološke zbirke prof. Ive Horvata [Taxonomic analysis of carpological collection of prof. Ivo Horvat]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Zovko, Ivana (2017) Digitalizacija zbirki orhideja Botaničkog zavoda u Zagrebu [Digitization of orchid collection of the Division of Botany in Zagreb]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Bešenić, Martina (2018) Morfološke značajke agregata Hordeum murinum (Poaceae) [Morphological characteristics of Hordeum murinum agg. (Poaceae)]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Dević Hameršmit Marta (2018) Analiza i optičko prepoznavanje rukopisa s herbarijskih etiketa u zbirci Herbarium Croaticum [Analysis and optical recognition of handwritings on the herbarium labels in the Herbarium Croaticum collection]. Supervised by Vedran Šegota.


Mihelić, Petra (2015) Prilog poznavanju rasprostranjenosti svojti roda Peucedanum (Apiaceae) [The contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of Peucedanum taxa (Apiaceae)]. Mentored by Toni Nikolić.


Jukčić, Maria (2014) Taksonomska i korološka analiza roda Euphorbia L. u herbarijskoj zbirci Herbarium Croaticum (ZA) [Taxonomical and chorological analysis of the genus Euphorbia L. in the Herbarium Croaticum collection]. Supervised by Ivana Rešetnik.


Matković, Ivona (2014) Taksonomska i korološka analiza roda Campanula L. u herbariju Ive i Marije Horvat (ZAHO) [Taxonomical and chorological analysis of the genus Campanula L. in the Herbarium Croaticum collection]. Supervised by Ivana Rešetnik.


Gorišek, Matea (2012) Kompleks Dryopteris carthusiana (Dryopteridaceae) u flori Hrvatske [Dryopteris carthusiana complex (Dryopteridaceae) in the flora of Croatia]. Mentored by Antun Alegro.


Broz, Josipa (2012) Taksonomska revizija endemičnih vrsta roda Knautia L. (Dipsacaceae) u Hrvatskoj [Taxonomical revision of endemic taxa of the genus Knautia L. (Dipsacaceae) in Croatia]. Mentored by Antun Alegro.


Đukić, Maja (2012) Inventarizacija zbirke mahovina u Hrvatskom herbariju (Herbarium Croaticum -ZA) [Inventarization of the collection of bryophytes in the Herbarium Croaticum – ZA]. Mentored by Antun Alegro.


Blažević, Martina (2011) Prilog poznavanju roda Rumex L. u hrvatskoj flori [The contribution to the knowledge on the genus Rumex L. in the flora of Croatia]. Mentored by Toni Nikolić.